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Vaporizers are becoming a popular substitute for smoking cigarettes as more and more smokers feel worried about the health risks of smoking. The health risks of smoking include getting lung cancer, emphysema, or bronchitis.

Vaporizer Is a Healthier Alternative for Smokers

A vaporizer is a device that heats tobacco to the temperature where the volatile active ingredients of the tobacco are turned into a vapor and inhaled. In this way, the user can obtain the effect of the active ingredient without burning the tobacco and inhaling the smoke. 

No Second Hand Smoke

A vaporizer creates a small puff of localized vapor that is much healthier for the user to inhale and is also healthier for everyone around the user. Second hand smoke from cigarettes is known to be a dangerous health hazard for people in the same room as the smoker. With a vaporizer, there is no second hand smoke produced to harm the health of anyone nearby.

No Offensive Odor

Many of the people who have considered getting a vaporizer have asked, "Does a vaporizer smell?"

The answer in most cases is that there may be some odor produced but it is very mild and it does not travel very far. By contrast, people who are sensitive to cigarette smoke may be able to detect the odor of a burning cigarette from far away.

The smell which is created by using tobacco in a vaporizer does not smell like a burning cigarette. If someone else is in the room, they may notice an odor, but it is quite likely they will not be able to identify exactly what it is. 

No Burning of Tobacco

When tobacco is burned in a cigarette, many chemicals contained in the cigarette are burned at very high temperatures. When tobacco is heated in a vaporizer, the vaporizer is adjusted to the right temperature to vaporize the nicotine. This occurs at below 400 degrees Fahrenheit in most cases. Many of the other chemicals contained in tobacco will not be vaporized so they will not be in the air. 

If any smell is noticed at all, it will be more like the smell of fresh pipe tobacco or fresh cigarette tobacco that has not been burned. 

In some cases, there can be a slight odor in the device itself if there is a buildup of oils forming in the mouthpiece. This can be easily cleaned so the odor is removed.